Figure 4
Settling velocity of deep-sea plume aggregates. (A) Boxplots of the settling velocities of aggregates produced under a shear rate of G = 0 s–1 under four (color-coded) sediment plume concentrations. (B) Boxplots of the settling velocity against the shear rate, for concentrations of 105–500 mg L–1. For a comparison with the treatments in A and B, the settling velocities were normalized to the median particle size. (C) Fitted model curves (non-linear logistic-sigmoidal) of the settling velocity against particle size for aggregates produced under a shear rate of G = 0 s–1. (D) Fitted model curves (non-linear logistic-sigmoidal) of the settling velocity against particle size for aggregates produced under a shear rate of G = 2.4 s–1. The 95% confidence intervals are depicted for every modeled curve. For visual purposes, size data grouped in the four (color-coded) classes were plotted on the curves. The raw data can be found in Table S6. DOI:

Settling velocity of deep-sea plume aggregates. (A) Boxplots of the settling velocities of aggregates produced under a shear rate of G = 0 s–1 under four (color-coded) sediment plume concentrations. (B) Boxplots of the settling velocity against the shear rate, for concentrations of 105–500 mg L–1. For a comparison with the treatments in A and B, the settling velocities were normalized to the median particle size. (C) Fitted model curves (non-linear logistic-sigmoidal) of the settling velocity against particle size for aggregates produced under a shear rate of G = 0 s–1. (D) Fitted model curves (non-linear logistic-sigmoidal) of the settling velocity against particle size for aggregates produced under a shear rate of G = 2.4 s–1. The 95% confidence intervals are depicted for every modeled curve. For visual purposes, size data grouped in the four (color-coded) classes were plotted on the curves. The raw data can be found in Table S6. DOI:

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