Note. χ2(152, MLW, n = 125) = 249.95, p < .001, TLI = .86, CFI = .88, GFI = .75, RMSEA = .072; Latent variables: IA - implicit attitude represented by AMP valence; B - biospheric / A - altruistic / E - egoistic environmental attitude (concern); q1-q12 - items of the environmental concern scale (Appendix B); bootstrapped standardised estimations with 1000 resamples are presented.
Fig. SEM estimations, with socio-demographic variables

Note. χ2(152, MLW, n = 125) = 249.95, p < .001, TLI = .86, CFI = .88, GFI = .75, RMSEA = .072; Latent variables: IA - implicit attitude represented by AMP valence; B - biospheric / A - altruistic / E - egoistic environmental attitude (concern); q1-q12 - items of the environmental concern scale (Appendix B); bootstrapped standardised estimations with 1000 resamples are presented.

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