Figure 2
Study area, stream classification, and historical changes to channel widths in three focal watersheds. Location of study watershed in northeast Oregon including (A) major salmon-bearing tributaries and the stream classification described in the methods and (B) values of channel change estimates where historical General Land Office surveys intersected with contemporary Aquatic Inventory Program surveys. Focal watersheds include the upper Grande Ronde River, Catherine Creek, and Minam River. The upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek have significantly modified stream conditions from over a century of intensive land use. The Minam River is in the Eagle Cap Wilderness area and most approximates historical reference conditions. DOI:

Study area, stream classification, and historical changes to channel widths in three focal watersheds. Location of study watershed in northeast Oregon including (A) major salmon-bearing tributaries and the stream classification described in the methods and (B) values of channel change estimates where historical General Land Office surveys intersected with contemporary Aquatic Inventory Program surveys. Focal watersheds include the upper Grande Ronde River, Catherine Creek, and Minam River. The upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek have significantly modified stream conditions from over a century of intensive land use. The Minam River is in the Eagle Cap Wilderness area and most approximates historical reference conditions. DOI:

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