Figure 2
(a) Air temperature at 2 m. (b) Daily snow depth in the natural plot. The stars denote the locations of the ice features in the snowpack as determined during snow pit sampling at that time (right y-axis). The dashed lines indicate the levels in which the temperatures and trace gases were measured. The circles denote the bulk snow density (left y-axis). (c) Temperatures measured from the gradient tower in the natural plot. (d) Soil temperature at 2 cm depth. (e) Daily snowfall. (f) Daily rainfall. (g) Soil volumetric water content between 0 and -30 cm.
Snowpack and soil characteristic and environmental parameters.

(a) Air temperature at 2 m. (b) Daily snow depth in the natural plot. The stars denote the locations of the ice features in the snowpack as determined during snow pit sampling at that time (right y-axis). The dashed lines indicate the levels in which the temperatures and trace gases were measured. The circles denote the bulk snow density (left y-axis). (c) Temperatures measured from the gradient tower in the natural plot. (d) Soil temperature at 2 cm depth. (e) Daily snowfall. (f) Daily rainfall. (g) Soil volumetric water content between 0 and -30 cm.

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