Figure 3.
Properties shown for surface waters (2–10 m depth) are: salinity (A); temperature (B); mixed layer depth (MLD), the depth where density σt increased 0.02 from surface waters (C); EUML, mean light in the upper mixed layer (D); dissolved Fe (DFe) concentrations in surface water (data from Sherrell et al., 2015) (E); particulate Fe (PFe) concentrations in surface waters (data from Harazin et al., 2014) (F); chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations (G); depth-integrated Chl a (H); fraction of phytoplankton community as Phaeocystis antarctica (I); and fraction of phytoplankton community as diatoms (J). In each panel, the dashed line shows the sea ice edge on 1 January 2011 and the Getz Ice Shelf (GIS) and Dotson Ice Shelf (DIS) are shown in white.
Surface water properties in the Amundsen Sea Polynya.

Properties shown for surface waters (2–10 m depth) are: salinity (A); temperature (B); mixed layer depth (MLD), the depth where density σt increased 0.02 from surface waters (C); EUML, mean light in the upper mixed layer (D); dissolved Fe (DFe) concentrations in surface water (data from Sherrell et al., 2015) (E); particulate Fe (PFe) concentrations in surface waters (data from Harazin et al., 2014) (F); chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations (G); depth-integrated Chl a (H); fraction of phytoplankton community as Phaeocystis antarctica (I); and fraction of phytoplankton community as diatoms (J). In each panel, the dashed line shows the sea ice edge on 1 January 2011 and the Getz Ice Shelf (GIS) and Dotson Ice Shelf (DIS) are shown in white.

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