Figure 1.
Hydrographic stations sampled during the ASPIRE cruise are projected on the Amundsen Sea Polynya (ASP) bathymetry. Fe addition bioassay experiments were performed at red stations; the water column was sampled at all stations. The dashed line shows the sea ice edge on 1 January 2011; the Getz Ice Shelf (GIS), Dotson Ice Shelf (DIS), and Twaites Ice Tongue are shown in white. Inset shows the location of the ASP in Antarctica.
ASPIRE stations in the Amundsen Sea Polynya.

Hydrographic stations sampled during the ASPIRE cruise are projected on the Amundsen Sea Polynya (ASP) bathymetry. Fe addition bioassay experiments were performed at red stations; the water column was sampled at all stations. The dashed line shows the sea ice edge on 1 January 2011; the Getz Ice Shelf (GIS), Dotson Ice Shelf (DIS), and Twaites Ice Tongue are shown in white. Inset shows the location of the ASP in Antarctica.

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