Figure 9.
A. Julian days 7 to 89 (January 7 and March 29, respectively) showing changes in discharge, and Cl- and TDS concentrations and B. Julian days 97 to 163 (April 7 and June 11, respectively) showing discharge and Cl-, Na+, concentrations and Cl/Na molar ratios. Discharge events are noted with Roman Numerals.
Red Cedar hydrograph for selected periods of 2013.

A. Julian days 7 to 89 (January 7 and March 29, respectively) showing changes in discharge, and Cl- and TDS concentrations and B. Julian days 97 to 163 (April 7 and June 11, respectively) showing discharge and Cl-, Na+, concentrations and Cl/Na molar ratios. Discharge events are noted with Roman Numerals.

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