The Public Historian Special Issues (1979-present)
Special issues listed below are available for sale as single issues through the journal’s shop cart unless otherwise indicated. Please note: issues in the shop cart are identified by volume/issue number and publication date only.
Reckoning with Our Past: California State Parks and the Dark Side of the Conservation Movement (Issue 45.3, August 2023)
Public Archaeology in the Twenty-First Century (Issue 44.4, November 2022)
Childhood, Consumption, Gender, and Public History (Issue 43.1, February 2021)
Queering Public History: The State of the Field (Issue 41.2, May 2019)
Conversations in Critical Cultural Heritage (Issue 41.1, February 2019)
State of Black Museums: Historiography Commemorating the Founding and Existence of Black Museums Over Four Decades (Issue 40.3, August 2018)
Deindustrialization, Heritage, and Representations of Identity (Issue 39.4, November 2017)
A Centennial HIstory: The National Park Service (Issue 38.4, November 2016)
Auditory History (Issue 37.4, November 2015)
Open House, Reimagining the Historic House Museum (Issue 37.2, May 2015)
The Historian as Expert Witness (Issue 37.1, February 2015)
Public History and Environmental Sustainability (Issue 36.3, August 2014)
Food in Public History (Issue 34.2, May 2012)
State and Local History, focused on NY State (Issue 33.3, August 2011)
Where are the Bodies? (Issue 32.1, February 2010)
Baltimore '68, RIots and Rebirth (Issue 31.4, November 2009)
Public History in Canada (Issue 31.1, February 2009)
Please note: the issues listed below are not available for purchase as single issues.
Historians in the Federal Government (Issue 30.2, May 2008)
Sites of Conscience: Opening Historic Sites for Civic Dialogue (Issue 30.1, February 2008)
The Public and Private History of Eugenics (Issue 29.3, Summer 2007)
Responses to Presidential Libraries: Programs, Policies, and the Public Interest (Issue 29.1, February 2007)
Presidential Libraries: Programs, Policies, and the Public Interest (issue 28.3, Summer 2006)
Review Roundtable: The National Museum of the American Indian (Issue 28.2, Spring 2006)
Public History as Reflective Practice: Roundtable, Ethics in Practice (Issue 28.1, February 2006)
Public History and the Latino Popularion (Issue 23.4, November 2001)
New Perspectives on Industrial History Museums (Issue 22.3, July 2000)
The National Council on Public History: Reflections on a Twentieth Anniversary (Issue 21.3, July 1999)
Representing Native American History (Issue 18.4, October 1996)
Imposing the Past on the Present: History, the Public, and the Columbus Quincentenary (Issue 14.4, October 1992)
Preservation Technology (Issue 13.3, July 1991)
Labor History and Public History (Issue 11.4, October 1989)
The Field of Public History: Planning the Curriculum (Issue 9.3, July 1987)
The National Partk Service and Historic Preservation (Issue 9.2, April 1987)
Archives and Public History: Issues, Problems, and Prospects (Issue 8.3, July 1986)
Business and History (Issue 3.3, July 1981)
Public History: State of the Art, 1980 (Issue 2.1, October 1979)