The Bethlehem Steel Legacy Project is a multifaceted endeavor to preserve the history of the Baltimore industrial giant Bethlehem Steel and the people who worked there. Bethlehem Steel’s history spans from its beginnings at Sparrows Point in 1887 to the company’s 2002 bankruptcy and subsequent closure in 2012. In 2019, the Baltimore Museum of Industry (BMI) partnered with Tradepoint Atlantic, the new owners and managers of the former Bethlehem Steel site, to embark on this multi-year community engagement project. This resulted in the creation of the exhibitions Fire & Shadow: The Rise and Fall of Bethlehem Steel, Shuttered: Images from the Fall of Bethlehem Steel, and Women of Steel. It would also go on to include the creation of a legacy brick garden, the award-winning podcast Sparrows Point: An American Steel Story, the From Point to Point blog, several published articles, the creation of Mill Stories:...

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