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Science Fiction Studies (SFS) publishes articles and book reviews on science fiction, broadly defined. All opinions expressed in signed contributions appearing in SFS are those of the author(s); they are not necessarily those of the publishers or editors.

SFS is a refereed and selective journal. All articles submitted to SFS pass through a three-stage peer review and revision process: (1) the article is initially reviewed by the editors of SFS; (2) if it is judged to be potentially publishable, then the article is sent to our editorial consultants for blind review; (3) if the outside reviews are positive, an SFS editor is then assigned to work with the author to prepare the article for eventual publication.


All articles for publication in SFS should be sent to Sherryl Vint ([email protected]). Submissions should be sent electronically via e-mail attachment. Please format your article according to the following guidelines:

  • PC-compatible files only (MS Word or WordPerfect)
  • length: 5,000-15,000 words
  • on a separate page, include your name, your postal and e-mail addresses, the title of your essay, and a brief abstract describing its contents (5-8 sentences are sufficient)
  • use MLA Style for all documentation, with endnotes embedded, and a list of Works Cited
  • provide English translations for all non-English titles and quotation
  • In submitting an article for possible publication in SFS, the author warrants that it is not currently under consideration elsewhere and that it has not been published previously in English.

Upon acceptance, all authors are required to sign an Author Agreement.

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