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Keywords: repetition
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Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2020) 38 (2): 156–179.
Published: 01 May 2020
... theorist, Alexander Neckam, who laments that the cuckoo s cry is characterized by useless repetition of the same sound ( frequenti ejusdem sono inutili repetitione See De naturis rerum libri duo, ed. T. Wright (London: Longman, 1863), 117. And it is likely no coincidence that one of the first known...
Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2009) 27 (3): 312–331.
Published: 01 August 2009
..., repetitions in all their forms). These obsessive repetitions confer an incantatory power on the text and transfigure the declamation into a real carmen , which must be read as a tremendous metatextual challenge for the rhetor in the literary model of the sorcerer which he aims to surpass. © 2009...