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Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2022) 40 (2): 183–208.
Published: 01 May 2022
..., which resembles a declamation, portrays itself as an exemplum in that it embodies the precepts exposed in books 1, 2, and 3. Moreover, this exemplary discussion partakes in a larger debate between philosophy and rhetoric and must be considered in its historical and cultural context. © 2022...
Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2021) 39 (3): 273–296.
Published: 01 August 2021
... references to gladiators in declamation themes and rhetorical handbooks, only three complete controversiae on such a topic have been transmitted to us. In Gladiator, the ninth of Ps.-Quintilian s Declamationes Maiores, a rich young man contests his disownment (abdicatio).41 After being kid- napped and sold...
Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2021) 39 (2): 127–149.
Published: 01 May 2021
... la perspective des discours contem- porains sur l actio rhétorique et la physiognomonie. Keywords: Actio, déclamation, performance, physiognomonie, Polémon de Laodicée ans sa biographie d Hadrien de Tyr, Philostrate raconte une D anecdote au sujet des jeunes années du sophiste, à l époque où il...
Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2014) 32 (2): 99–147.
Published: 01 May 2014
... Declamationes minores und der Institutio oratoria Quintilians (Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 1988), 66 157, che studia l applicazione degli status nelle Declamationes minores in rapporto alla dottrina esposta nell Institutio oratoria; cfr. anche M. Winterbottom The Minor Declamations ascribed to Quintilian, ed...