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Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2022) 40 (3): 233–255.
Published: 01 August 2022
...Shawn Ramsey In Phaedrus , Plato invokes a mythic exemplum concerning the Egyptian deity Thoth. Though often interpreted as an overt critique of writing, this argument posits Thoth is offered analogically to contrast Plato's rhetorical epistemology with that of the ancient Egyptians. To do so...
Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2020) 38 (2): 135–155.
Published: 01 May 2020
... that can be found in the texts of different disciples of Socrates. The rhetorical aspects of the Phaedrus ' psychagogia should then be understood, not as a new Platonic concept which allows the good orator to address the many, but rather as a new formulation of a well-known and shared Socratic ideal. DAVID...
Journal Articles
Journal: Rhetorica
Rhetorica (2012) 30 (2): 109–133.
Published: 01 May 2012
...Dana Miller Plato's chief argument against rhetoric is epistemological. Plato claims that rhetoric accomplishes what it does on the basis of experience, not knowledge. In this article I examine Plato's criticisms of rhetoric in the Gorgias and the Phaedrus . I argue that Plato is right to identify...