I am proud to present the first issue of our fifth volume of Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture. As always, we strive to present pathbreaking and innovative scholarship that works to compellingly situate the state of sound studies and practice today.

Continuing our special series “Militarized Ecologies: Auralities, Incorporations, Terrain,” we present special series co-editor Alejandra Bronfman’s “‘How much noise can a human being stand?’: Contested knowledge and the Colonial State in Culebra, Puerto Rico.” Bronfman’s in-depth contribution traces the history of environmental impacts created by the US military’s occupation of Culebra and is a discerning analysis drawn from a broad range of sources, from the records of the Electro-Acoustic and Psycho-Acoustic Laboratories at Harvard University in the 1940s and documents from 1970s Senate hearings to such contemporary writers as the feminist critic and historian Laura Briggs.

Emma W. Olson’s research creates a fascinating and germane conduit...

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