In our continuing efforts to publish many of the new directions that emerge in our resonant field of sound, we are excited to present a series of inspired works that consider new approaches to the historical study of music and cybernetics. Proposed as a special series by writers and editors Christopher Haworth and Eric Drott, “Music and Cybernetics in Historical Perspective” is a diverse offering that represents path-breaking research in the field of musicology and sound studies.

In his introduction to the special series, Haworth considers the scope of the scholarship in cybernetics over the past 30 years by observing:

It is precisely the aspiration to universalism that makes musical cybernetics difficult to analyze. From experimental music to rave, musical social theory to psychology, jam bands to computer music, cybernetics can appear to be at once everywhere and nowhere—a situation that contributes to both its paradoxical imperceptibility and its capacity...

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