About the Journal
Representations publishes sophisticated, highly readable essays on the workings of culture, both past and present. Long known for its innovative essays on art, intellectual and legal history, science and gender studies, theories of history, and literary phenomena such as authorship and national and ethnic canon formation. Representations' reach extends as well to such topics as the history of the emotions, national identity, new media, and the renewal of aesthetics in criticism.
ISSN: 0734-6018 eISSN: 1533-855X
Published Quarterly: February, May, August, November
Impact Factor: 0.9
Editorial Board Co-Chairs: Nicholas Mathew and Elisa Tamarkin
Virtual Issue: Unfixing Gender Studies
In response to the Spring 2022 issue “Proximities: Reading with Judith Butler” we invite you to reflect on a set of essays published in Representations that resonates with some of Butler’s earliest and most well-known critical interventions in discourses around gender.
Special Issues
Explore special issues of Representations, including the Summer 2023 "Proxy Wars" issue guest edited by Yoon Sun Lee and Kent Puckett.