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Keywords: Carl Jung
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Journal Articles
Nova Religio (2021) 24 (3): 96–120.
Published: 01 February 2021
... Hinduism yoga spirituality Carl Jung archetypes appropriation Appropriating Archetypes Carl Jung, Hindu Statuary, and Spiritual Seeking in California Drew Thomases ABSTRACT: Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Southern California, this paper explores how non-Indians use and appropriate statues...
Journal Articles
Nova Religio (2020) 23 (3): 31–59.
Published: 01 February 2020
... influenced by the ideas of Carl Jung and that, as such, much subsequent psychedelic ufology tends to be Jungian. © 2020 by The Regents of the University of California 2020 Terence McKenna Carl Jung psychedelic ufology UFOs hallucinogens shamanism gnosis Inner Space/Outer Space Terence...