The contemporary Pagan movement, or Neo-Paganism, constitutes a growing sector of modern Western religiosity. While much scholarly attention has focused on larger Pagan religions like Wicca and Goddess Spirituality, this has come at the expense of studies into many of their smaller counterparts. Among those neglected faiths has been the contemporary cultus of Antinous, a small yet growing number of practitioners who venerate the deified lover of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (76–138 ce). Given the same-sex nature of the couple’s relationship, Antinous has come to be seen by many practitioners as “the Gay God” and his cultus has primarily attracted gay men. This article represents the first academic study of this new religious movement, outlining its historical development, examining the beliefs and practices of its adherents, and arguing that it reflects both continuity with earlier forms of Queer Paganism as well as novel developments.
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August 2016
Research Article|
August 01 2016
The New Cultus of Antinous: Hadrian’s Deified Lover and Contemporary Queer Paganism
Ethan Doyle White
Ethan Doyle White
Ethan Doyle White, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31–34 Gordon Square, London WC1 H 0PY, UK. Email: [email protected].
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Nova Religio (2016) 20 (1): 32–59.
Ethan Doyle White; The New Cultus of Antinous: Hadrian’s Deified Lover and Contemporary Queer Paganism. Nova Religio 1 August 2016; 20 (1): 32–59. doi:
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