19th-Century Music invites submissions on the character, history, significance, and continuing presence of the Western art music composed during the "long century" roughly spanning the symbolic dates 1789 and 1914. We are looking for articles that deal with the past and its legacies—musical, cultural, and historical—as a living and often a challenging force in twenty-first- century life. We welcome, in no particular order, interpretive studies of musical works and genres, both canonical and non-canonical, including opera; of performance, recording, and technology; of the music’s uses in film, television, and video; of its politics and cultural politics; of its relationship to literature, visual art, and later music; of changing modes of listening and the impact of digital media; and more. Contributors are welcome to add to the list; to be innovative; to be bold. We will make every effort to respond to submissions within ninety days of receiving them.
19th-Century Music is indexed and abstracted in the following services:
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Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
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Humanities Index (Online)
Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)
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Humanities International Index
Humanities Source
Humanities Source Ultimate
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text
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Music Index OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson)
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