Chris Murray is a senior lecturer in Literary Studies at Monash University. He is the author of Tragic Coleridge (Routledge, 2013) and China from the Ruins of Athens and Rome: Classics, Sinology, and Romanticism, 1793–1938 (Oxford University Press, 2020). He is a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, and his current project on Romantic receptions of Daoism includes his essays “Coleridge’s Daoism?” (Wordsworth Circle, 2020) and “Yeats’s Faustian Meditations” (Irish University Review, 2023). He is also at work on a project concerning the Australian reception of Romanticism with Alexis Harley and Claire Knowles, which includes the essay “Prophet Against Empire? Blake in Australia” (Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly, 2023).
Mattias Pirholt is a professor in the Department of Literature at Uppsala University. He is author of Grenzerfahrungen: Studien zu Goethes Ästhetik (Winter, 2018) and co-editor of Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British...