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Keywords: working memory
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Journal Articles
Music Perception (2024) 41 (4): 262–274.
Published: 01 April 2024
... on musical working memory by comparing nontonal language (Finnish) speakers and tonal language (Chinese) speakers. For both language backgrounds, musicians and nonmusicians were recruited. In an experimenter-monitored online paradigm, participants performed a forward-memory task measuring the maintenance...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2021) 38 (5): 456–472.
Published: 01 June 2021
..., a dual-task paradigm was employed, in which participants undertook a phonological task once while hearing music, and then again in silence following its presentation. We predicted that the music would be maintained in working memory, interfering with the task. Experiment 1 ( N = 30) used songs predicted...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2017) 34 (5): 585–604.
Published: 01 June 2017
... by production of untransformed melodies. By contrast, producing a transformed mental image may rely on working memory ability, which is more equally matched across participants. This interpretation was further supported by correlations with self-reports of auditory imagery and measures of working memory...