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Keywords: repetition
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Journal Articles
Music Perception (2024) 41 (5): 348–359.
Published: 01 June 2024
...Benjamin M. Kubit; Christine Deng; Adam Tierney; Elizabeth H. Margulis The speech-to-song illusion is a perceptual transformation in which a spoken phrase initially heard as speech begins to sound like song across repetitions. In two experiments, we tested whether phrase-specific learning...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2018) 36 (2): 175–200.
Published: 01 December 2018
... of spontaneous initiation of bimanual drumming and spontaneous head movements that were coupled to the temporal structure of the musical stimuli. The last critical concepts for our set of experiments are those of repetition and habituation. Repetition within pieces of music and repeated listening...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2016) 33 (4): 509–514.
Published: 01 April 2016
...Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis; Rhimmon Simchy-Gross This study investigated the role of repetition on listener response. It tested the hypothesis that repetition, in the form of looping during an exposure phase, would make random sequences of tones sound more musical when rated later during a test...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2016) 33 (3): 306–318.
Published: 01 February 2016
...Cecilia Taher; René Rusch; Stephen McAdams Repetition and novelty are essential components of tonal music. Previous research suggests that the degree of repetitiveness of a line can determine its relative melodicity within a musical texture. Concordantly, musical accompaniments tend to be highly...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2012) 29 (4): 377–385.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis although music's repetitiveness has been a perennial topic of theoretical and philosophical interest, we know surprisingly little about the psychological processes underlying it. As one step in the larger enterprise of examining the psychology of musical repetition...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2010) 27 (3): 177–182.
Published: 01 February 2010
... made highly familiar through en masse repetitions (Experiment 3) rather than through interspersed repetitions (Experiment 1). In addition, intensity ratings were higher when participants were asked to judge the emotion conveyed by the music than when they were asked to judge the emotion elicited...