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Journal Articles
Music Perception (2024) 41 (5): 348–359.
Published: 01 June 2024
...Benjamin M. Kubit; Christine Deng; Adam Tierney; Elizabeth H. Margulis The speech-to-song illusion is a perceptual transformation in which a spoken phrase initially heard as speech begins to sound like song across repetitions. In two experiments, we tested whether phrase-specific learning...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2024) 41 (4): 275–287.
Published: 01 April 2024
...Michael W. Weiss; Isabelle Peretz Recognition memory is better for vocal melodies than instrumental melodies. Here we examine whether this vocal advantage extends to recall. Thirty-one violinists learned four melodies (28 notes, 16 s), two produced by voice and two by violin. Their task...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2017) 34 (4): 387–404.
Published: 01 April 2017
... to considerable variance in psychophysio- logical and behavioral responses to these musical classifications. Received: March 14, 2016, accepted August 16, 2016. Key words: music, learning, plasticity, enculturation, development M USIC IS A UNIVERSAL PHENOMENONamong human cultures, carrying emotionalmeaning...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2012) 29 (5): 493–500.
Published: 01 June 2012
...Séverine Samson; Amee Baird; Aline Moussard; Sylvain Clément the effect of pathological aging on explicit memory is very well documented, but relatively few studies have addressed this issue in the musical domain. To examine learning and consolidation of melodies, we designed a melodic recognition...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2009) 26 (4): 303–320.
Published: 01 April 2009
... learning could underlie early improvements in performance during music rehearsals. © 2009 By the Regents of the University of California perceptual span learning gaze musical skill rehearsal Rehearsal Improves Perceptual Span 303 MUSIC REHEARSAL INCREASES THE PERCEPTUAL SPAN FOR NOTATION...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2009) 26 (3): 279–285.
Published: 01 February 2009
...Michel Habib; Mireille Besson THIS ARTICLE SUMMARIZES THE MAIN EVIDENCE TO date regarding links between the brain and music. Musical expertise, often linked to early and intensive learning, is associated with neuroanatomical distinctive features that have been demonstrated through modern...