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Journal Articles
Music Perception (2024) 41 (5): 378–392.
Published: 01 June 2024
... females) or a control group ( n = 20, 13 females). The jazz piano training program included aural skills, basic technique, improvisation, and repertoire with 30 hours of training over 10 days. All participants at pre- and post-testing completed a battery of standardized cognitive measures (i.e...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2023) 40 (3): 253–274.
Published: 01 February 2023
... participant age was 26.9 years (range 18–71, SD = 8.7). Participants were paid $4.15 USD for taking part in the study. The experiment took M = 36 minutes to complete ( SD = 12 m). The study was approved by the University of Oregon Institutional Review Board. timbre pitch cognition language...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2018) 35 (5): 607–621.
Published: 01 June 2018
... gender may be stored as separate features and their utility differs based on one’s familiarity with the musical stimulus. popular music music memory familiarity featural processing cognition DID YOU HEAR THE VOCALIST? DIFFERENCES IN PROCESSING BETWEEN SHORT SEGMENTS OF FAMILIAR AND UNFAMILIAR...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2015) 33 (1): 70–82.
Published: 01 September 2015
... in such diverse fields as speech perception, music perception, neurophysiology and computational neuroscience. This interdisciplinary approach to research in audition is one of this book’s legacies. AUDITORY SCENE ANALYSIS: TALES FROM COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCES CLAUDE ALAIN Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2011) 29 (2): 215–226.
Published: 01 December 2011
...Frances H. Rauscher; Sean C. Hinton this article provides an overview of our research , including studies yet unpublished, on the effects of music on cognition. Music instruction can enhance children's spatial-temporal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and phonemic awareness. Longitudinal studies...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2010) 27 (4): 281–285.
Published: 01 April 2010
...Michael H. Thaut NEUROLOGIC MUSIC THERAPY LAST CAME INTO research and clinical focus via cognitive rehabilitation. New imaging techniques studying higher cognitive functions in the human brain 'in vivo' and theoretical advancements in music and brain function have facilitated this development...
Journal Articles
Music Perception (2006) 24 (1): 111–116.
Published: 01 September 2006
... of the arguments made by the commentators and clarify some of the points made in our original review. © 2006 BY THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2006 music evolution perception cognition comparative monkey JOSH MCDERMOTT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences...