Music Perception: an interdisciplinary journal publishes theory driven, basic and applied science, empirical reports, theoretical papers, and reviews. The journal’s scope concerns the perception and cognition of music in composing, improvising, playing, performing, recalling, recognizing, teaching, learning and responding to music through single or multiple modalities. Music Perception draws from a range of disciplines and interdisciplinary teams, including psychology, music, cognitive neuroscience, music theory, acoustics, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, cognitive science, computer science, speech science, corpus studies, and data science.
Rigorous accounts of music perception through multi-experiment studies including replication, critical reviews, theory-driven applied research, cross-cultural research, multimodal perception, music information retrieval, AI, human-computer interaction, and a range of methods including cognitive neuroscience, human movement science, computational, and mixed methods, are particularly encouraged.
Music Perception adheres to the Open Science Framework (OSF) and principles of reproducible science. The journal supports replication, pre-registration with OSF, and sharing materials, code, and de-identified data.
Music Perception is indexed and abstracted in the following services:
De Gruyter Saur
Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
Academic Search Alumni Edition
Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Elite
Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Ultimate
Current Abstracts
Music Index
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale)
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
TOC Premier (Table of Contents)
Elsevier BV
Academic OneFile
Expanded Academic ASAP
General OneFile
InfoTrac Custom
National Library of Medicine
Electronic Collections Online
Personal Alert (E-mail)
Arts Premium Collection
Health Research Premium Collection
Hospital Premium Collection
Music & Performing Arts Collection
Music Periodicals Database
Professional ProQuest Central
ProQuest 5000
ProQuest 5000 International
ProQuest Central
Psychology Database
Research Library
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale)
Thomson Reuters
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Current Contents
Social Sciences Citation Index
Web of Science