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Keywords: Immigration
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Journal Articles
Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture (2022) 4 (3): 8–22.
Published: 01 July 2022
... tipo cultural o artístico. Latinx art contemporary art muralism US-Mexico border immigration public art arte latinx arte contemporáneo muralismo frontera México-Estados Unidos inmigración arte público arte latina arte contemporânea muralismo fronteira EUA-México...
Journal Articles
Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture (2020) 2 (1): 6–31.
Published: 01 January 2020
... through the present offer rich data for contemplating shifting representations of the border and immigrants over time and for exploring factors that shape the context, content, and tone of such representations. Because many of these creative expressions emerged in the context of social movement activism...
Journal Articles
Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture (2019) 1 (1): 7–22.
Published: 01 January 2019
..., they are “allowed” to become seen. Zúñiga’s photographs challenge visual economies that depict migrants as faceless laborers or criminals, and reframe contemporary immigration as a labor of everyday survival. The author reads the photographs alongside other contemporaneous visual culture texts about immigration...