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Keywords: poverty
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Journal Articles
Journal of Vietnamese Studies (2023) 18 (1-2): 104–142.
Published: 01 May 2023
...Martha Lincoln This article examines the shifting biopolitical significance of poverty in Vietnam’s post-reform period, drawing on ethnographic interviews with poor Hanoians. Concomitant with the political economic and sociocultural shifts of market transition, public accounts of poverty’s nature...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal of Vietnamese Studies (2008) 3 (3): 81–116.
Published: 01 October 2008
... of California ethnic minorities migration ethnic relations poverty rural development research essay pamela mcelwee Blood Relatives or Uneasy Neighbors? Kinh Migrant and Ethnic Minority Interactions in the TrM.ng SKn Mountains At the beginning of the twentieth century, French Indochina was largely...
Journal Articles
Journal of Vietnamese Studies (2008) 3 (1): 108–150.
Published: 01 February 2008
...Jonathan Pincus; John Sender Poverty surveys in Vietnam systematically exclude mobile people, particularly migrants in wage employment. The Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) and its predecessors sample from official population lists and thus leave out individuals lacking permanent...