Journal of Vietnamese Studies promotes and publishes original social science and humanities research about Vietnamese history, politics, culture, and society, as well as Vietnam-related topics that have traditionally been set apart from mainstream area studies scholarship such as the Vietnamese diaspora and the Vietnam War. In addition to full-length research articles, the Journal of Vietnamese Studies includes book reviews, communications with the editor, and occasionally also translations of important Vietnamese language documents and texts. Additionally, a regular section reserved for book reviews and longer review essays serves to provide a running diagnosis of the state of the field and to establish an arena for deliberation, conversation and debate about both new work and significant intellectual trends within Vietnamese studies as a whole.
University of California Press and The Center for Southeast Asia Studies wish to thank The Henry Luce Foundation and The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation for their generous assistance in supporting the launch and publication of Journal of Vietnamese Studies.
For further information about the Center for Southeast Asia Studies please visit their homepage.
Journal of Vietnamese Studies adheres to the University of California Press Statement of Publication Ethics. The full statement is available here.
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