Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award

Peter H. Christensen

Germany and the Ottoman Railways: Art, Empire and Infrastructure

Yale University Press, 2017


Spiro Kostof Book Award

Samia Henni

Architecture of Counterrevolution: The French Army in Northern Algeria

Zurich: ETH/gta Verlage, 2017


Pamela O. Long

Engineering the Eternal City: Infrastructure, Topography, and the Culture of Knowledge in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018


Antoinette Forrester Downing Book Award

Sally McMurry

Pennsylvania Farming: A History in Landscapes

University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017


Philip Johnson Exhibition Catalogue Award

Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher and Joseph Becker, editors

The Sea Ranch: Architecture, Environment, and Idealism

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and DelMonico Books ∙ Prestel, 2018


Founders' Award

Michael Abrahamson

“Actual Center of Detroit”: Method, Management, and Decentralization in Albert Kahn's General Motors Building

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 77 No. 1, March 2018


Elisabeth Blair MacDougall Book Award


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