In 1953, architect, planner, and historian Erwin Anton Gutkind published a series of articles collectively titled “How Other Peoples Dwell and Build” in Architectural Design. At a glance, the series seems an anomaly in Gutkind's extensive oeuvre, and it remains little known in the field of vernacular architecture. In “How Other Peoples Dwell and Build”: Erwin Anton Gutkind and the Architecture of the Other, Marcel Vellinga aims to place the series within the broader context of Gutkind's writings. Running through Gutkind's work—and underlined in Vellinga's article—is the thesis that the historical development of human settlements mirrors the degenerating relationships between individuals and their communities, and between human beings and the natural environment. Thus, the Architectural Design series is an integral part of Gutkind's writings on the history of urban development. The series is one of the first architectural publications to focus on vernacular traditions from an international perspective and to emphasize the importance of studying vernacular architecture in its larger cultural and environmental contexts.
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December 2019
Research Article|
December 01 2019
“How Other Peoples Dwell and Build”: Erwin Anton Gutkind and the Architecture of the Other
Marcel Vellinga
Marcel Vellinga
Oxford Brookes University
Marcel Vellinga is an anthropologist who has taught and published on a variety of topics, including vernacular architecture, the anthropology of architecture, and rural architectural regeneration. He is editor in chief of the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World (Bloomsbury Publishing, forthcoming). [email protected]
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Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2019) 78 (4): 409–421.
Marcel Vellinga; “How Other Peoples Dwell and Build”: Erwin Anton Gutkind and the Architecture of the Other. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 1 December 2019; 78 (4): 409–421. doi:
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