The exhibition Modell Bauhaus was nothing short of extraordinary. Nearly one thousand objects, displayed in eighteen rooms, made this the most complete exhibition of Bauhaus work ever undertaken. The exhibition was part of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of German reunification, and it also marked the ninetieth anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus. Significantly, the show was organized jointly by the Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin; the Stiftung Bauhaus, Dessau; and the Klassik Stiftung, Weimar. The exhibition brought together the collections of these three different Bauhaus institutions once separated by a divided Germany. As is by now well known, the Bauhaus was founded by Walter Gropius in 1919, and moved three times in Germany: after opening in Weimar, the school moved to Dessau in 1925 and to Berlin in 1932, where it operated for less than a year. During the Cold War, the former Bauhaus buildings in Weimar and Dessau were...

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