Saying goodbye can be difficult when you’re having fun. As with most things in the world of arts and letters, it’s healthy for our institutions such as IASPM-US and JPMS to rotate in new leadership to keep the ideas fresh. Thus, with the final issue of volume 36, we (Elliott and Kaleb) end our term as co-editors of this journal. Fret not—we leave this journal in the capable hands of Alisha Lola Jones and Benjamin Tausig. In the transition period, we have already seen that they will do an excellent job helming this journal.

During our time as editors of JPMS, we also had the good fortune to collaborate with Eric Harvey as managing editor. His organizational skills and eye for detail are a big reason why this journal continues to be as good as it is. Alyx Vesey and Antonia Randolph did amazing work as book reviews editor...

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