Tim J. Anderson is associate professor and director of the Institute for the Humanities at Old Dominion University. He has published numerous book chapters, refereed journal articles, and two monographs. His latest research project focuses on recordings, musicians, listeners and the public sphere. Anderson's website is timjanderson.com.
Brian Barone is a Ph.D. candidate in musicology and ethnomusicology at Boston University. His dissertation project focuses on the circulation of African musics as a catalyst of a long and continuing modernity around the Atlantic rim.
Avery Brzobohaty is completing the MA in musicology at West Virginia University and holds a BMus from the University of Ottawa. Her research interests include popular music, nostalgia, music in advertising, humor, and Canadian indigenous music.
Justin Burton is the author of Posthuman Rap and co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Hip Hop Music. Justin's work revolves...