By all accounts, we are again in the midst of a “dance craze,“ a cultural moment when a wide swath of people—most remarkably, white middle-class youth—embrace the ability to communicate and coordinate using little loops of codified gesture. As with prior crazes, the phenomenon is inseparable from new media: the craze of the 1910s, with its scandalous “animal dances” and ragtime rhythms, was abetted by dance manuals, silent films, and a new public culture of dancing;1 the Twist-era explosion of solo/group dances in the early 1960s spread via television programs, such as American Bandstand;2 and the current craze of the late 2010s—promulgating such re-branded moves as the Floss, the Hype, the Swipe, and Orange Justice—is driven primarily by a networked video game, Epic Games's Fortnite. The game, with its hundreds of millions of players, is arguably the largest media platform for the spread...
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Winter 2019
Research Article|
December 01 2019
Social Dance in the Age of (Anti-)Social Media: Fortnite, Online Video, and the Jook at a Virtual Crossroads
Wayne Marshall
Wayne Marshall
Berklee College of Music Email: [email protected]
Wayne Marshall (@wayneandwax) is an assistant professor of music history at Berklee College of Music. An ethnomusicologist by training, his research examines the interplay among sound media, musical publics, and cultural politics. Marshall co-edited Reggaeton (Duke 2009) and complements his academic work by sharing mashups and mixes online and writing for the likes of Pitchfork and The Wire.
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Journal of Popular Music Studies (2019) 31 (4): 3–15.
Wayne Marshall; Social Dance in the Age of (Anti-)Social Media: Fortnite, Online Video, and the Jook at a Virtual Crossroads. Journal of Popular Music Studies 1 December 2019; 31 (4): 3–15. doi:
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