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Partner with UC Press
As an innovative publisher of open access and subscription journals in a wide range of subjects, UC Press is always interested in exploring new opportunities, including launching new journals or digital products and partnering on existing titles. We are a respected leader amongst university presses and scholarly publishers, and partner with individuals, societies, associations, universities, and businesses. Whether you have a proposal or are simply interested in exploring a new idea, please contact us:
David Famiano, Journals Publisher, [email protected]
New Journal Proposals
If you are preparing a proposal for an entirely new journal, please include the following:
- Your preferred title for the journal and alternate suggested titles
Mission/Aim and Scope
- A brief description of the journal’s proposed mission, aims, and scope
Journals Landscape
- List of similar or competitive journals in the field, including their age, frequency, publisher, and (if possible) average number of articles published each year
Academic/Scholarly Landscape
- Overview of academic programs and courses appropriate to the journal’s subject area
- Evidence that research and scholarship in this area is increasing
- Short list of appropriate societies, conferences, and meetings for this title
Please provide a succinct case for launching this journal, including:
- Why is this journal needed?
- What void does it address in the field?
- What benefit does the journal provide to the academic and/or professional community?
- How will this journal differ from other journals in the field?
Editorial Structure
- Outline of the proposed editorial structure (Executive Editor, Editor, Associate Editors, Editorial Advisory Board, Editorial Board, etc.)
- Name, title, affiliation, and brief bio for proposed editor(s) and other key members of the editorial team
- Proposed Editorial Board with affiliations (noting any guaranteed acceptances or confirmations if applicable)
Publishing Format
- Open Access or paid subscription?
- Proposed frequency
- Proposed number of articles per year or issue (and pages)
- Is a print component required? If so, please explain why
- Describe the type of content to be published in the journal (articles, essays, book reviews, etc.)
- Indicate what types of content will be refereed and what type of review will be implemented (double blind, open, etc.)
- If multimedia elements or multimedia scholarship is expected, please provide a brief description
- Describe any support (financial or otherwise) that is, or might be, available for the journal
- Please detail what support (financial or otherwise) is requested or required from UC Press