Building Impact for Journal Editors
As part of our core mission to publish the highest quality research from the brightest minds, we thank you for shaping the impact, value, and scholarship of University of California Press with your editorial service.
As your publishing partner, we want to work collaboratively to help your journal achieve the greatest influence and audience as possible. In concert with our ongoing marketing work, we have compiled the following requests and resources to help maximize our collective efforts.
Keep Us Updated with Your Editorial Calendar
When we have a sense of your upcoming topics and themes—especially special issues—we can start on planning how, where, and to whom we should market the content. Please feel free to suggest potential audiences and/or tactics that you identify as a good fit for particular content.
Notable Anniversaries or Events? Let us Know
As a knowledgeable editor and scholar in your field, you may recognize special anniversaries or events in your journal’s discipline that present opportunities to promote the journal.
Share Our Author Resources with Your Authors
UC Press hopes to empower and equip our authors to promote their important research alongside our marketing efforts. Our Author Resources can be found in the "Info For Authors" section on your journal's website and in the Journal Authors section of this website. Please feel free to share these suggested tips and tricks with all of your authors.
Conferences Coming Up? Keep us in the Loop
If you, your co-editors, and/or editorial board members have a schedule of planned conferences and events, let us know early so we can consider how best to support your journal there.
Flag Research that May be of Interest to the Broader Public
This may include relevant, timely articles, big name authors, or newsworth reserach outcomes. As the editorial expert for your journal content, feel free to approach us with newsworthy items that may also have a wide appeal outside of academia.
Keep Author Contact Information
For those who do not use ScholarOne, we advise that editors keep a log of their authors and contributors (including email address, article DOI, and volume/issue of publication). We have found that this is not only useful to the editorial office but is also helpful to UC Press if (by permission of the editor) we need to inform authors of a marketing campaign that involves their article, etc.
Leveraging Social Media
As academic conversations migrate online and non-traditional impact assessors like Altmetrics become an industry standard, social media is an increasingly useful tool to connect your journal content with global and diverse audiences. Social media (such as Facebook and Twitter) can be used in a variety of ways to accomplish different goals.
Editorial Offices Can Leverage Social Media To:
- Promote content usage (including new issues, special issues, etc.)
- Disseminate calls for papers
- Drive traffic to other websites (journal website, society website, email newsletter signups, etc.)
- Interact with both academic and non-academic audiences
- Share announcements, conference information, and more
Social media strategies will inevitably vary from journal to journal, depending on the content itself and the needs of the editorial office. Perhaps your journal already has official Facebook and Twitter accounts; perhaps your journal is part of a larger society with a robust social media presence; perhaps you are an academic with your own personal online network; or perhaps you’d rather stay away from social media altogether!
Regardless of your particular situation, we can help design an effective social media strategy for your journal that meets your needs and interest level.>/p>
More Information
If your editorial office is interested in using social media, the UC Press marketing team is happy to answer any questions you may have and help you get started on a social media strategy for your journal. Contact your journal's assigned Marketing Manager for more information.