Caring about the future of autoethnography means showing what autoethnography can do that other research perspectives and practices cannot accomplish, as well as explaining and justifying autoethnography to unfamiliar others.
—Tony E. Adams, “Autoethnographic Responsibilities”1
In April 2019, the co-editors invited me to write this essay. At first I hesitated. I had been coordinating the panels regarding the Future of Intercultural Communication at organizations like National Communication Association (NCA) and Western States Communication Association (WSCA). Apparently, some senior folks identified as critical intercultural communication scholars have been pissed off at me. My transnational queer of color vision that disrupts the circumference of intercultural communication continues to push (and push) their White liberalist, U.S. imperialist, and cisheterosexist egos. So, I thought I would be pissing some people off again by writing about the future. Given I recently achieved my tenure and wanted to have a short break from the...