In the final chapter of the pioneering textbook Autoethnography: Process, Product and Possibility for Critical Social Research, Hughes and Pennington attempt to anticipate the future of autoethnography. That anticipated future was constructed from an exhaustive interdisciplinary review of literature on autoethnography from its historical beginnings through 2015. The textbook included autoethnographic processes and products continuing to take on multiple forms, including, but not limited to, empirical peer-reviewed research, memoirs, personal essays, short stories, journals, scripts, poetry, and performances. Hughes and Pennington anticipated the future of autoethnography as involving sustained questions of rigor coupled with sustained growth of its possibilities as critical social research. In addition to the over twenty established iterations of autoethnography described in Hughes and Pennington, the authors anticipated that lesser-known and less frequently published forms of autoethnography would continue to grow and inform researchers’ work internationally.
The growth of three additional creative directions in autoethnography was...