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Journal Articles
Journal of Musicology (2022) 39 (3): 371–403.
Published: 01 July 2022
...Jessica Gabriel Peritz This article considers the spectral afterlives of castrati in nineteenth-century music historiography, reading them as transhistorical mediators between the “stuff” of archives and embodied musical experience. The article first sketches out the germane late eighteenth-century...
Journal Articles
Journal of Musicology (2021) 38 (2): 209–229.
Published: 01 April 2021
... Georg Knepler music history historiography structural history West Berlin East Berlin On the Foundations of Dahlhaus s Foundations TOBIAS ROBERT KLEIN TRANSLATED BY STEPHEN HINTON Preface and Introduction 209 When Carl Dahlhaus died in March 1989, following a long series of ill- nesses...
Journal Articles
Journal of Musicology (2019) 36 (2): 131–166.
Published: 01 April 2019
... rosarum flores enjoys—an occasion, a place, and a secure attribution—are rare in the fifteenth century. This fact alone makes the motet appear to be exceptional. But reading Nuper rosarum flores alongside the norms of genre and notation and against the grain of the work’s modern historiography suggests...
Journal Articles
Journal of Musicology (2016) 33 (2): 200–231.
Published: 01 April 2016
... and Crisis in American Classical Music Historiography from 1890 to 1950 DAVID C. PAUL At the turn of the twentieth century American publishing companies did brisk business selling histories of classical music. New York critic W. J. Henderson authored one of the most suc- cessful: his The Story of Music ran...
Journal Articles
Journal of Musicology (2015) 32 (2): 198–245.
Published: 01 April 2015
... of the University of California 2015 acclamation Johannes Ciconia civic ritual historiography motet Venice Voicing the Doge s Sacred Image JAMIE REULAND Doge Andrea Dandolo opens his Venetian his- tory, the Chronica per extensum descripta (c. 1350), with a scene of pro- phetic speech.1 The setting...
Journal Articles
Journal of Musicology (2014) 31 (3): 326–353.
Published: 01 July 2014
... for Glinka, why they do so, and how. In answering these questions I seek to deconstruct and contextualize the hagiographies by looking at the writers who produced them, specifically through the lens of the social circles to which they and Glinka belonged. Mikhail Glinka historiography identity...
Journal Articles
Journal of Musicology (2014) 31 (2): 199–230.
Published: 01 April 2014
... to style criticism. He also claims that a “true history” of music can overcome the survey genre by offering causal explanations of historical events. In his discussion of the Cold War avant-garde, however, Taruskin points the way toward a slightly different kind of historiography by employing what I call...