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Ellen Rosand is George A. Saden Professor of Music emeritus at Yale University, where she taught from 1992 until 2014. She has served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Musicological Society (1981–83), president of the same society (1992–94), vice-president of the International Musicological Society (1997–2002), and, from its inception, on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Musicology. She is the author of Opera in Seventeenth-Century Venice: The Creation of a Genre (Berkeley, 1991) and Monteverdi's Last Operas: A Venetian Trilogy (Berkeley, 2007). She is preparing a critical edition of the operas of Francesco Cavalli.
Ellen Rosand; An Appreciation of Marian Green. Journal of Musicology 1 April 2016; 33 (2): 117–120. doi:
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