Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (HSNS) welcomes submissions of original research articles, notable reviews, and special issues from influential and emerging scholars. Prospective contributors should download the HSNS style sheet and review the information for authors.
Research Articles
Manuscripts should be sent as e-mail attachments to [email protected], as well as to the Editor, Joseph D. Martin ([email protected]).
All files should be in MS Word format. Submissions must be double spaced and formatted for 8.5 x 11 paper. Please supply an abstract upon submission. Either footnotes or endnotes may be used and must be double spaced. Papers should not exceed 15,000 words in length, including notes and figure captions.
HSNS is an e-only journal and accepts images in both color and black and white, as well as other media, such as audio and video. All images, media, captions, tables, and displayed equations should be sent in separate files. When including images and multimedia, please review the UC Press Journal Author Permissions Resources for more information about copyright and permissions.
Special Issues
Please direct inquiries about Special Issues to the Editor, Joseph D. Martin ([email protected]) and consult the HSNS Guidelines for Special Issues.
Essays & Reviews
Queries about submissions to Essays & Reviews should be directed to incoming section editors Melinda Baldwin ([email protected]) and Brigid Vance ([email protected]). Essays appear on a rolling basis, and prospective authors should consult the HSNS Call for Proposals for Essays & Reviews.
Author Agreement
Please review the Author’s Rights and Warranties sections of the author agreement before submitting your article. The Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences author agreement may be downloaded (in PDF) by clicking here.