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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Global Perspectives (2022) 3 (1): 38287.
Published: 26 September 2022
...Andreas Wimmer; Helmut K. Anheier In this interview, Helmut K Anheier and Andreas Wimmer discuss his work on methodological nationalism, nation building, democracy, war, and longer-term economic, socio-political developments. They also explore the post-colonial debate and the decolonization...
Journal Articles
Global Perspectives (2020) 1 (1): 13337.
Published: 21 July 2020
...Mona Kanwal Sheikh In his recent article, Juergensmeyer (rightfully) argues that we can’t say anything generic about the role of religion (such as that “it creates war because it generates certainty” or that “it is the most prolific source of violence in our history”; Juergensmeyer (2020) p.3...
Journal Articles
Global Perspectives (2020) 1 (1): 11779.
Published: 20 February 2020
... terrorism isis cosmic war religious violence war religion Among the volunteers who heeded the call of the Islamic State in 2014 to come to Syria and Iraq and join the army of the caliphate were two brothers from the Ruhr region of western Germany. They were identical twin brothers, Mark and Kevin...