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Political Economy, Markets, and Institutions

Section Editor

JP Singh

George Mason University 
[email protected] 

Political Economy, Markets, and Institutions


Pressing global challenges today lie at the intersection of markets and institutions, and how they are influenced by political economy, and the success and failure of collective action. Climate change, natural resources management, global commons, technology, production and consumption patterns, and the relationship between growth, inequality and poverty are cases in point. Additionally, institutional deficiencies like corruption, a weakened multilateralism, disputes over terms of trade, access and fairness threaten to disrupt the global system. Institutions such as corporations, regulatory agencies, and civil society matter greatly in how these challenges are addressed. More productive and effective solutions could result from inter-disciplinary research about the political economy of a changing world. The Political Economy, Markets, and Institutions Section of Global Perspectives welcomes contributions that address these subjects and encourages interdisciplinary approaches and perspectives.

Please see J.P. Singh's editorial, Political Economy, Markets, and Institutions: Preference Formation as a Point of Entry.



Section Editorial Board

Yuen Yuen Ang, University of Michigan, USA Edward (Ted) Fischer, Vanderbilt University, USA 
Peter A. Hall, Harvard University, USA Kimberly Kay Hoang, University of Chicago, USA 
Saumitra Jha, Stanford University, USA  Anandi Mani, Oxford University, UK 
Célestin Monga, African Development Bank, Côte d'Ivoire  Jonathan J. Morduch, New York University, USA 
Eleanor Power, London School of Economics, UK  Vijayendra Rao, World Bank, Washington DC, USA 
Ann Swidler, University of California, Berkeley, USA  Michael Woolcock, The World Bank, USA 



Call for Papers: Decolonization



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