Meredith E. Abarca is the author of Voices in the Kitchen (2006, Texas A&M University Press), and is the co-editor of Rethinking Chicana/o Literature through Food (2013, Palgrave Macmillan) and Latin@s’ Presence in the Food Industry (2016, University of Arkansas Press). Her current project is El Paso Food Voices, an archive digital open source project, as well as the El Paso Food Voices podcast series.

Tatiana Abatemarco, PhD, is director of the Food Security Innovation Lab at the Vermont Foodbank. She is passionate about fostering resilient food systems. Tatiana received her PhD in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont. She has previously taught at Bennington College, the University of Vermont, Green Mountain College, and Paul Smith’s College.

Sohni Chakrabarti is an associate lecturer in English at the University of St. Andrews. She completed her PhD in English from the University of St. Andrews in 2022. She also has...

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