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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 24,
Issue 4
Winter 2024

About the Journal

Gastronomica is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, international journal publishing critical, translational studies on food. In the pages of Gastronomica, you will find examinations of historical trends and transformations in food and eating; analyses of the political, economic, and social dimensions of food production and consumption; research briefs on emerging issues in fields related to food research and innovation; and interviews with key figures in the world of food (scholars, activists, producers, and consumers). With cutting-edge research and explorations of the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of food studies, Gastronomica is your go-to resource for understanding the social, cultural, and historical dimensions of food.

ISSN: 1529-3262         eISSN: 1533-8622

Frequency: Quarterly

Published: February, May, August, November


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Call for (Short) Papers

Gastronomica is soliciting original contributions to a collection of short essays (1000 -1200 word) that capture the relevance and importance of thinking philosophically about food in our current age. The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2024. For additional information, see the Call for (Short) Papers.

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