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Journal Articles
Federal Sentencing Reporter (2023) 35 (3): 151–152.
Published: 01 February 2023
...Steven L. Chanenson In the summer of 2022, various aspects of the federal sentencing world seemed frozen in time. The U.S. Sentencing Commission couldn’t respond to vital legislative or practical developments because it lacked a quorum, as it had for more than three years. Meanwhile, federal...
Journal Articles
Federal Sentencing Reporter (2021) 33 (4): 252–258.
Published: 01 April 2021
...-quality drug-conviction and sentencing data enable sentencing commissions and legislatures to act decisively on the basis of reason and not anecdotes. Commissions can play a vital role in understanding the decades-old war on drugs and charting a path for the future. This article provides an overview...
Journal Articles
Federal Sentencing Reporter (2020) 32 (3): 181–183.
Published: 01 February 2020
...Douglas A. Berman This essay, adapted from a speech upon receipt of the 2018 Richard P. Kern Memorial Award from the National Association of Sentencing Commissions, details why sentencing is “dang hard” and explores implications of that reality. The essay argues that the challenges of sentencing...
Journal Articles
Federal Sentencing Reporter (2019) 32 (2): 109–123.
Published: 01 December 2019
...Richard S. Frase This article updates the author’s previous survey of guidelines systems, published in this journal in 1999, and reviews what these reforms have and have not accomplished. Sentencing guidelines developed by an independent sentencing commission are currently being used in 17 states...
Journal Articles
Federal Sentencing Reporter (2014) 27 (1): 19–25.
Published: 01 October 2014
... that help to explain why some states have been able to maintain consistently low prison rates, or to lower their formerly high rates. One such practice is the use of sentencing guidelines combined with parole abolition, developed and monitored by an adequately funded independent sentencing commission...