BOOK DATA Olivia Landry, A Decolonizing Ear: Documentary Film Disrupts the Archive. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022. $75.00 hardcover; $75.00 e-book. 232 pages.

What is it like to listen with a decolonizing ear? This is the essential question that Olivia Landry tries to answer in her new monograph, A Decolonizing Ear: Documentary Film Disrupts the Archive. Written with careful attention to the complicated history of the German sound archives and in dialogue with a diverse range of contemporary remediations, A Decolonizing Ear joins a vibrant trend in archive studies dedicated to decolonizing and rejuvenating archival scholarship (e.g., Gil Z. Hochberg’s Becoming Palestine [Duke University Press, 2021]). With a niche but much-needed focus on sound, and especially on colonial ethnographic recordings, Landry gently directs the reader away from the visual-centric discourse on decolonizing the archive and ushers in the neglected landscape of the aural. Instead of narrowly defining sound...

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