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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Feminist Media Histories (2019) 5 (3): 168–194.
Published: 01 July 2019
..., and experiences within feminist organizations, to transcend national interests in complex and far-reaching ways. In this sense, the radio oeuvres of these women contested the privatization thesis, which sees media as simply domesticating public space by bringing it into the home, and instead refigured...
Journal Articles
Feminist Media Histories (2019) 5 (3): 60–84.
Published: 01 July 2019
...Christine Ehrick During World War II, US–Latin American relations were shaped by the noninterventionist Good Neighbor policy and the projection of soft power via US government-orchestrated public relations and propaganda campaigns. This included extensive film and radio propaganda overseen...
Journal Articles
Feminist Media Histories (2019) 5 (3): 85–113.
Published: 01 July 2019
.... In this climate, Australians who had lived Stateside were hailed as authorities on the nation and its people, and they often spoke on radio. Among these “America educators” were significant numbers of women. Armed with firsthand knowledge of the wider world, these female travelers could claim space...
Journal Articles
Feminist Media Histories (2018) 4 (2): 173–178.
Published: 01 April 2018
...=reprints . 2018 comedy gender race radio sexuality Radio studies is an inherently feminist endeavor. Radio was long considered too commercial, too personal, too crowded with pop music, too frivolous, too … feminine to be taken very seriously either in academia or in the culture at large...
Journal Articles
Feminist Media Histories (2018) 4 (1): 58–83.
Published: 01 January 2018
...Jennifer Hyland Wang This article examines how the writers and publicists behind the pioneering radio serial Clara, Lu 'n' Em circulated representations of gendered labor in early prime-time and daytime network radio. Through their satiric impersonations of “syntax-scrambling” midwestern housewives...
Journal Articles
Feminist Media Histories (2015) 1 (4): 31–45.
Published: 01 October 2015
...Christine Ehrick This article is an analysis of the script of an Argentine radio serial, Corazón sediento ( Thirsty Heart ), that aired on Buenos Aires' Radio Splendid and its network of stations on weekday evenings in June 1954. The drama's author, Nené Cascallar (1914–82), a favorite radio...
Journal Articles
Feminist Media Histories (2015) 1 (4): 108–125.
Published: 01 October 2015
...Nazan Haydari This article contextualizes the significance of popular culture and the everyday in feminist communication practices through the example of Sabun Köpüğü ( Soap Bubble ), a feminist radio production in Turkey that ran from May 2000 to October 2001. The research draws from the author's...