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Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2021) 44 (2): 41–50.
Published: 01 July 2021
... as a form of Black Americans participating in settler colonial processes meant to erase and displace Indigenous peoples. He argues that we should look at BI as an analytic that African Americans have used to create belonging and continue to express cultures practiced throughout the African diaspora, adapted...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2012) 35 (1): 1–21.
Published: 01 January 2012
... SEIN OBAMA Myra Mendible Florida Gulf Coast University In his March 2008 speech on race in America, President Obama alluded to the "memories of humiliation" that haunt an older generation of blacks in America. His words invoked a time when routine acts of racial shaming served to keep African American...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2012) 35 (1): 41–52.
Published: 01 January 2012
.... Given the disproportionate effect of the recent economic downturn and labor market bias on African Americans and Latinos, we argue that a National Investment Employment Corps program would address the employment needs for blacks and Latinos by assuring full-employment and simultaneously ensuring long...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2012) 35 (1): 71–87.
Published: 01 January 2012
... the election of a Black president demonstrate that America is now a “color-blind” society? To answer this question, we rely on data collected by PEW (2007). Our results suggest that white and African Americans differ significantly in the extent to which they express post-racial attitudes. Specifically, we find...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2009) 32 (1): 55–76.
Published: 01 January 2009
...Quan Manh Ha Trey Ellis has emerged as a prominent African American writer of the late-twentieth century, despite the small number of his published works. “The New Black Aesthetic,” an essay that he first published in CaUaloo in 1989, one year after the publication of his first novel, Platitudes...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2009) 32 (1): 89–130.
Published: 01 January 2009
...Ravi K. Perry The nature of political representation of Black constituents' interests from their elected Black representatives is changing in the twentyfirst century. Increasingly, African Americans are being elected to political offices where the majority of their constituents are not African...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2008) 31 (1): 19–31.
Published: 01 January 2008
... Harper Music Resistance Race African American Ethnicity: Questions Trends and Interpretations "I'll Rise": Rememory, Hope and the Creation of a New Public Sphere in Ben Harper's Music Delphine Gras University of Washington Recent studies about resistance music in the United States primarily...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2007) 30 (1): 115–124.
Published: 01 January 2007
...Heather D. Clark For individuals who are both African American and Deaf finding a place to belong is a process of navigating their many cultural identities. In this paper I explore the following questions: where do individuals who are African American and Deaf find and make community? To which...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2003) 26 (1): 12–28.
Published: 01 January 2003
... led and symbo l ized by the Atlantic itself. Th is essay wi l l exam ine the creo l i zed identit ies of the b lack pro­ tagon i sts of two nove l s pub l ished in the 1 990s th rough the lens of G i l roy's Black Atlantic theory: Middle Passage ( 1 990) by the African American author Char les Johnson...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2003) 26 (1): 67–86.
Published: 01 January 2003
... and a distinct brand of African American masculinity manifested in the work of Ishmael Reed, an African American novelist and essayist known for his outspoken style. Rather than transforming traditional masculinity to include Asian American manhood, Chin's images of men represent an appropriation of elements...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (2000) 23 (1): 97–122.
Published: 01 January 2000
...David L. Briscoe Throughout the 1900's, social scientists have debated the question of whether the African American family is an adaptative social system or whether it is pathological, perpetuating its poverty over the generations. This article examines the holistic perspective as the preeminent...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (1999) 22 (1): 44–55.
Published: 01 January 1999
... in the books but is inte l l ig ib le to most Americans. It has some regional d ialect variation from north to south and from east to west, but is mutual ly intel l ig ible because of a common core of usage. Ebon ics is a way of speaking mainly avai lable to African-Americans, though people of other...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (1998) 21 (1): 71–89.
Published: 01 January 1998
...David Jones This study of scenes from the films Daughters of the Dust and Malcolm X, describes images of myth, gender, and resistance familiar to African-American interpretive communities. Key thematic and technical elements of these films are opposed to familiar Hollywood practices, indicating...
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (1997) 20 (1): 79–89.
Published: 01 January 1997
... of their numbers established by earlier work. The essay speculates whether such problematic scholarship stems from unacknowledged prejudice among mainstream historians or from carelessness and calls for more and improved scholarly attention to the role of African American cowboys in the American West. Book...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Ethnic Studies Review (1996) 19 (2-3): 129–140.
Published: 01 June 1996
... or misinterpretation of mostly outdated scholarship produced in Europe and the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A brief concluding section makes reference to the potential repercussions of this theory on relations between African Americans, Native Americans and Latinos of Native...
Journal Articles