Special Feature: Monitoring, Measuring and Modeling Atmospheric Mercury and Air-Surface Exchange -- Are We Making Progress?
Collection launched: 08 Apr 2016
Anne L. Soerensen, Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University
Ian M. Hedgecock, Italian National Research Council, Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research (Rende Division)
Highlights on atmospheric mercury research presented at the ICMGP-2015, Jeju, Korea
Anthropogenic mercury is emitted predominantly to the atmosphere and the atmospheric mercury burden is roughly three times higher today than in preindustrial times. Mercury cycles between environmental compartments, but atmospheric transport determines its short-term distribution globally. Predicting the future impact of anthropogenic and legacy mercury emissions, and understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of mercury and its compounds in air and precipitation, requires improved monitoring networks and techniques. This Special Feature brings together some of the highlights on measurement techniques, atmospheric mercury measurements and modeling efforts from ICMGP-2015, Jeju, Korea.
All articles in this Special Feature have been published